Blaser BBF 95 Over and Under Shotgun Rifle
Edited: 2009-12-13 15:20:18 | Category:
The combination of shotgun and rifle is a Blaser classic. Your gunsmith will easily be able to adjust the barrels to each other, making your Blaser over and under shotgun rifle unbeatable when using slugs. The "95" stands for increased safety: the rifle is uncocked after every shot.
Changing to a different caliber or model is easy and inexpensive. Within the B 95 line, the barrel combination can also be used to change the rifle type. For example, the double rifle can become an over and under shotgun or Bergstutzen, and an over and under shotgun can become a Bergstutzen and vice versa.
B 95 + B 97 Grades
B 95 + B 97 Standard
- Basic grade with plain action and grained side plates.
- Walnut grade 1.
B 95/B 97 Standard