Sabatti Mod. 345 EXPRESS
Edited: 2009-11-29 18:12:19 | Category:
Over and under double rifle "Express" designed for an extraordinary strength and high accuracy. These very fine Express are available in the following calibers: 9,3x74R o 8x57JRS

Mod. 345 EXPRESS
Over and under double rifle "Express" designed for an extraordinary strength and high accuracy. These very fine Express are available in the following calibers: 9,3x74R o 8x57JRS o 7x65R o 6,5x68R o 6,5x57R o 6,5x55SE o 5,6x57R o 5,6x50R.Mag. o 30-06 Spring o 308 Win. o 270 Win. o 243 Win. o 22-250 Rem. o 222 Rem. Mag. o 222 Rem.
The reinforced action has an extraordinary strong breech face. The barrels are bored from chromium molybdenum steel bars and rifled with extreme accuracy. Double or single selective trigger. Very fine artistic engraving on the deluxe version.
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